Working in the commercial construction trades in California requires one to be keen to job safety and requires one to stay on top of OSHA rules. It is also necessary to dress fashionably and wear attire that can be seen as on the forefront of fashion. There will be a time, when the tradesman needs to leave the work-site and go out for lunch and still look suitably dressed. Many restaurants near the work-site will be filled with up scale professionals, whose buildings you may have installed their structured network cabling, their fiber optics or their access control systems. Many of these urban professionals have no idea that the safety vest clad working stiff was the creator of their domain.
In this blog posting, we present some of the current fashion trends in use by network cabling, access control, and fiber optic installer professionals in Southern California.

The Complete Outfit
Installing Network Cabling and Fiber optics in a working warehouse, you must wear the complete attire. The hardhat is a 3M SecureFit safety helmet. It is required item. Safety glasses are required as well, they are HDX glasses from Home Depot, the vest is a high visibilty neon yellow with reflective bands. It includes a grey/orange reflective band. The harness is necessary when using a man-lift. Our model is wearing his favourite Guess Jeans purchased from a local store, before Guess closed them all down. His favourite kind of blue jean is stretchy, yet durable. His t-shirt of choice is color matched so that it does not clash.

The Crew
While preparing to terminate network cables in the mini-data center, the guys show off their OSHA work fashions. High visibility vests, hardhats and safety glasses are the fashion of the day. Our models Albert and Robert are showing off their fashionable, yet functional OSHA attire before getting back to work installing network cables in a Southern California warehouse. When the lunch hour arrives, the guys can remove the OSHA attire and blend right into the crowd of work-a-day professionals at the local McDonalds.